Friday, December 5, 2008

A change in attitude

At the end of May 2008 it became clear that there was something seriously wrong with Leeland.

He stopped wanting to play his favorite games, he lost interest in training, and his energy went from 100 to zero in no time. On walks he would stay the full length of the leash behind us with his head down. He only wagged his tail, or showed any excitement briefly when we returned home from work.

He was still eating/drinking/digesting normally. So we decided to give it some time. We thought he might be lonely. On weekends we would visit my parents and he would play with their Westie endlessly. We considered the fact that coming back to the empty apartment, while we were at work all day might be depressing for him.

We went to the Vet for his yearly checkup/rabies shot and we were told that there was nothing physically wrong with him. We spent the next few weeks trying to decide what to do.

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