Monday, July 27, 2009

Leeland's brother

I would also like to report that we have a new addition to the family in Westin! He was originally my mom's dog but we found that Isac and I had much more time to care for him and he and Leeland are the perfect pair! They play endlessly and we are so happy that each of them has a live-in playmate now.

So far Westin has been in perfect health and we keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way. He is our second little boy and we couldn't imagine life without him now either. We are so thankful to have them both!


Penny said...

Hello, I would love to know more about your dog's journey with his liver shunt and how he is doing. My little pug Penny has had liver disease for 2 years, and they are suspecting a shunt. She is 6 years old, very nervous about the possibility of surgery. I found your blog and loved reading about Leeland's success.

KG said...

So sorry it took me so long to see your comment. Leeland is 3.5 years post ligation surgery and doing great. I'd love to hear an update on little Penny. I hope she is doing well.


We Care India said...
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